
Media Creations




Living in a busy society? We’ve created more diverse media options to bring Earth education to your lifestyle.

Now, learning about New Earth education isn’t just limited to flyers and books. You can absorb knowledge through multimedia, whether it’s during your commute, while waiting, or during leisure time — all through your smartphone.

If you’re interested in collaborating with us to create Earth education videos or radio broadcasts, please get in touch. We need your support to expand our reach and impact.

新地球教育短片 | New Earth Education Video

在我們的YouTube頻道中,我們精心製作了多個與愛地球相關的教育短片及歌曲,涵蓋主題如環保知識、氣候變化、回收再利用等,幫助大家更深入了解如何從日常生活中保護地球。觀看我們的影片,學習實用的環保小貼士,並享受充滿正能量的音樂。如果你喜歡我們的內容,請訂閱我們的頻道,你們的支持對我們非常重要!#環保 #愛地球 #可持續發展

On our YouTube channel, we’ve created a series of educational short films and songs about loving the Earth, covering topics like environmental knowledge, climate change, and recycling. Watch our videos to learn practical eco-friendly tips and enjoy uplifting music. If you enjoy our content, please subscribe to our channel – your support means a lot to us! #EcoFriendly #LoveTheEarth #Sustainability

新地球教育廣播 | New Earth Education Broadcast

新地球教育廣播正在籌備中,這是一個致力於推廣環保及愛地球教育的廣播項目。我們正積極尋找熱愛地球的朋友來幫忙,無論你具備什麼專業技能,從媒體創作到教育推廣,我們誠邀你加入我們的行列,共同為地球的未來出一份力。參與這個項目,你將有機會影響更多人,並推動新地球的可持續發展。如果你想成為這個改變的一部分,請填寫以下表格加入我們吧!#環保廣播 #愛地球教育 #地球正念

The New Earth Education Radio is currently in the preparation phase, dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and Earth education. We are actively looking for individuals who are passionate about the planet to help us. Whether your skills lie in media creation or education advocacy, we invite you to join our mission to make a difference for the future of Earth. By joining, you’ll have the chance to influence others and contribute to sustainable development. If you’d like to be part of this initiative, please fill out the form below to join us! #EcoRadio #LoveEarthEducation #EarthMindfulness